Thursday, 11 April 2013


Honestly? Because I'm lazy.
& my memory is shot-to-sh*t.
My 2012 Europe trip taught me this.
I struggled to sit down and put together emails to tell family & friends I was alive, where I'd been, what I'd been doing, etc. Not because I was too busy, or would've rathered use my time for more exciting things, but because I really just couldn't be arsed.. The last 2 ½ weeks of my trip was made up of countless driving hours on the Topdeck bus.. But did I use that time to type about my adventures? Of course not. I used it to sleep, stare out the window, watch movies, eat pringles & toblerone... I saved the typing of emails for when we were frantic and on a time limit, so that I could send the quick "Just got to *insertcityname* , I'm alive, WiFi is sh*t, running late for our walking tour, will email soon".
Then what happened? When I finally decided "shit I better email Maman & tell her I've not been sold for my organs in Albania", do you think I could remember what I did 3 days before? Or where I had even been? Of course not. The email that would've taken me a whole 5 mins (if I'd I typed it as I left each city), ended up taking an hour to put together - with a lot of "improvisations" (I remember emailing about our sailing trip, having absolutely no idea where we'd been, googling a map of Greece and naming a few random towns instead). And it only gets worse. People ask me now what I did in Dubrovnik? I remember being hungover on a boat ride from hell. That's pretty much it. Hindsight's a b*tch, because I now wish I'd kept a journal of some-sort (dot-points on a notepad even) - but I didn't, and I can't remember many specifics of my trip at all.
So this is my lazy solution. I'll post as much as I can (be bothered) on this blog. So that rather than having to come up with excuses for why I haven't emailed the people I'd promised I'd email, or clogging your newsfeed on facebook with pictures of a mountain range and the caption "my view from Mount Kosciuszko"..
This'll be your one-stop-shop for all things Joelle.