Honestly? Because I'm lazy.
& my memory is shot-to-sh*t.
My 2012 Europe trip taught me this.
I struggled to sit down and put together emails to tell family & friends I was alive, where I'd been, what I'd been doing, etc. Not because I was too busy, or would've rathered use my time for more exciting things, but because I really just couldn't be arsed.. The last 2 ½ weeks of my trip was made up of countless driving hours on the Topdeck bus.. But did I use that time to type about my adventures? Of course not. I used it to sleep, stare out the window, watch movies, eat pringles & toblerone... I saved the typing of emails for when we were frantic and on a time limit, so that I could send the quick "Just got to *insertcityname* , I'm alive, WiFi is sh*t, running late for our walking tour, will email soon".
Then what happened? When I finally decided "shit I better email Maman & tell her I've not been sold for my organs in Albania", do you think I could remember what I did 3 days before? Or where I had even been? Of course not. The email that would've taken me a whole 5 mins (if I'd I typed it as I left each city), ended up taking an hour to put together - with a lot of "improvisations" (I remember emailing about our sailing trip, having absolutely no idea where we'd been, googling a map of Greece and naming a few random towns instead). And it only gets worse. People ask me now what I did in Dubrovnik? I remember being hungover on a boat ride from hell. That's pretty much it. Hindsight's a b*tch, because I now wish I'd kept a journal of some-sort (dot-points on a notepad even) - but I didn't, and I can't remember many specifics of my trip at all.
So this is my lazy solution. I'll post as much as I can (be bothered) on this blog. So that rather than having to come up with excuses for why I haven't emailed the people I'd promised I'd email, or clogging your newsfeed on facebook with pictures of a mountain range and the caption "my view from Mount Kosciuszko"..
This'll be your one-stop-shop for all things Joelle.
Awesome Jo! Love it! Will look forward to those regular postings. Gonna miss you ☹ Melxx
ReplyDeleteThis is cute, I'm gonna miss you loads, I cant believe your actually going, well done babe. Getting out there in the big bad world. Hope you and Haylz have an awesome time and will keep in touch all the time. love you so much babe and im gonna miss you loads.
ReplyDeleteLove Amanda, Danny and Sarsha